
How We Can Help

  • Are you a leader who would like help and isn’t sure where to turn?
  • Or a CEO who wants to change but doesn’t know how to do it?
  • Or perhaps you run a business and wonder how you can be a better leader?

In this world of increasing visibility, complexity and change the temptation is to work faster and harder, but we know this is a short term solution.  We need to evolve our capacity to thrive as quickly as the world around us. We can help when things are looking complex and messy, when you can’t see the wood for the trees or when you have habits that get in your way.

Issues That We Can Support You With:

  • Feeling more courageous
  • Want to grow into a new role, by building adaptability
  • Changing how you work to increase happiness and balance
  • Dealing with your ‘imposter syndrome
  • Enabling you to work more strategically and have greater influence
  • Adapting your leadership to accelerate your team’s performance
  • Evolve a behaviour, that you know is holding you back
  • Facing a problem, and stop feeling lost
  • Being asked a question you don’t know the answer to
  • Wanting insights that arm you for the present and future challenges

Carrie is highly professional, fun, challenging and supportive all in one package.

Anna Marriott, SVP People and Organisation at VIRTUS Data Centres

The Solution – Coaching

Our approach to coaching is to support and challenge you to be the best you can be. It isn’t just about having a chat; it’s about taking actionable steps towards transformation.

In this busy world, coaching may feel indulgent, but it is a crucial investment if you want to enable something different.

Constantly working in 5th gear stops us spotting deeper issues, thinking beyond the obvious answer and noticing our own unhelpful habits.  Therefore to create something different, we need to move into 3rd gear so that we can think, reflect, and see new perspectives. Our coaching helps raise your awareness, supports you to stretch your goals and embed productive habits.

Your Coaching Journey

If you have never had coaching before, the idea can be bewildering. Below, we have mapped out the journey we guide clients through. At its simplest, coaching is a conversation with a partner that is completely focused on you.  We develop a bespoke coaching journey for you, whether that is big or small, agile or structured, practical or requires deeper exploration.

Curious About Coaching

Are you feeling stuck, overwhelmed or confused?

In this world of increasing visibility, complexity and change the temptation is to work faster and harder.  But constantly working in 5th gear is rarely helpful or healthy; it stops us spotting deeper issues, thinking beyond the obvious answer, and noticing our own unhelpful habits.  Therefore to create something different, we need to move slower, to 3rd gear, to think, reflect, and see new perspectives.  This evolves our capacity to thrive as quickly as the world around us changes.  Which is where coaching comes in. Our approach to coaching is to support and challenge you to be the best you can be.

Want to know more: Download “Curious About Coaching”

Coaching Partner

Decided you want coaching, now you need to find the right partner

For coaching to work, there needs to be a ‘fit’ between the client and coach.  In essence this means a ‘gut’ feeling of trust and confidence.  We start by suggesting a coach that we believe might be a good fit.  We know that coaching is an investment, and so to test this fit, we offer a complimentary chemistry session.

If our coach doesn’t feel right to you, we will understand and promise not to be upset.  We will simply suggest an alternative match for you.

This may be funded personally or by your organisation, and our prices reflect this difference.

Want to know more: Download “Finding The Right Coach”

Design of Your Coaching Journey

How do we help?

Together we design a coaching journey that responds to what you need and want.  If the chemistry fit is right for you, we will send a document playing back what you want to achieve and also suggesting how we can partner together.  Our clients find that seeing it written down like this helps them get clearer on their goals and also helps them get support from the people around them.

We coach in lots of different ways: on Zoom, on foot (walking coaching if you dread sitting still), in a private London club or in a log cabin in Hampshire with a dog on your lap (dog is optional).

In advance of coaching sessions, we send you questions to help you to think about where you want to put your focus. Within the session, we will check in about how you are and also where you want to do some “work”. Because you set the agenda for our sessions.  After sessions, we will send you a follow up with a reminder of your homework (i.e. what you are going to do between sessions).

Discovery & Coaching

Who are you?

We kick off your coaching with a discovery process.  This lays the foundation for change, by enabling us to get under the skin of what you care about, how you have been shaped and what is getting in the way.

Depending on your goals, there are lots of different ways we can choose to do this: using psychometrics (MBTI, Hogan, Voiceprint, OPQ), 360 feedback, a “Me” canvas, an emotional autobiography, using Neil’s wheel or maybe a three-way conversation with you, your boss and your coach.

Of course, if any of these perk your interest, do let us know!

Review & Reflect

Ready to go it alone?

During your coaching journey, we will invite you to undertake experiments to deepen your knowledge and also see what happens when you change things (i.e. homework!).  You will also have access to ongoing support (by mail or phone) in between sessions.

As your coaching journey comes to a close, we will support you through a review and reflection process.  This will help you assess the change you have created for yourself, set plans for the future and also give us feedback on your experience of the coaching.

I laughed a lot with Carrie while she helped me sort out what I wanted from my career. She enabled me to see through challenging situations and focus on what I actually like doing.

Senior Director
Data and technology business

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