
How We Can Help

Is your team a bit stuck? Do you feel disappointed when individuals jostle for position? Are people holding back, afraid to say what they really think? Are you launching a project team, and want to accelerate how they work together?

Teams form the building blocks of organisations. They matter because we often spend more time with the people in our team than we do with our families. We assume that teams will naturally form into something great, but there are many pitfalls to negotiate.

Our bespoke approach digs deep to find the root of your issues, not just the symptoms.

Enabling Great Teams

Does you team look like this?  If not give us a call.

  • Team members are clear about their purpose and engaged with customers
  • Team members openly and readily disclose their opinions, to get better results
  • Teams come to decisions quickly and avoid getting bogged down by consensus
  • Team members talk with one another about their shortcomings
  • Team members sacrifice their own interests for the good of the team.

We achieved more with Carrie in half a day than we had done with multiple other off-site meetings over the last couple of years.  She gets a handle on what you need, and can move quickly.

Interim Vice Chancellor, London University
coaching for organisations

We Can Help You Via:

  • Facilitation to enable co-founders to work through conflict
  • Away days to enable teams to improve their performance
  • Large group sessions to resolve conflicts between teams
  • Training to develop the mindset and behaviour for working strategically, including for HR teams
  • Setting up new project teams to lay the foundations for performance
  • Learning circles to build collective team capability
  • Diagnostics to understand messy personality clashes
  • Training to enable strategic partnerships

… and other team issues that you and your business may experience.

Carrie is utterly excellent in every way, from the design of a workshop, to the pacing through a day, to navigating tricky points and pushing back challenges when you need it.  I would recommend Carrie highly. 

Sally Foote, Co-founder of 10 Digital Ladies / Director of Product Innovation at Photobox / CCO carwow

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