Resolving conflict

What was the situation? What was needed?

A breakdown in a key relationship on the Board of a charity, based on a conversation that left them both uncomfortable. Discomfort had been building for a while and had resulted in a stalemate between them. Having sought legal advice, the were encouraged to look at informal conflict resolution that focused on the human beings with the conflict.

What we did?

Meeting individually with those involved to understand their perspective on the situation, how it was being informed, and what they saw as potential ways forward. Canvases shared with each party to playback what had been heard by the coach and to invite them to contemplate what they wanted to share. These canvases were subsequently exchanged between in advance of joint coaching session to share their perspectives, understand more deeper what had unfolded and agree commitments to each other going forward. Six months later a follow up allowed for a review of learning and sense making.

What was the result?

An opening up about what had unfolded and why, in order that both individuals could understand the other’s perspective, even though it was still painful. Commitments were made about how they might remain in the Charity and feel safe around each other. After six months, positive progress had been made, the relationship problems was firmly behind them and they felt safe enough to agree how they could work more collaboratively for the good of the Charity.